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Life is a Journey, Not a Destination - 4 Golden Rules To Live By

I have recently bought this poster and I truly believe in what it says. We often tend to get stuck in a monotonous busy daily routine that we forget to stop and enjoy our days. Life is short and full of surprises, but while we're here we should enjoy the small things in life, as they are all we have in the end, after all.

Here are some rules to live by I wrote as a reminder to myself as I tend to forget to live by them from time to time. Hope this helps you, too!

1. Bear in mind your goal.

Dreams and ambition are one of the main triggers in life and they give life a meaning. However, be careful with your ambition – let it guide you, but not control your life.

2. Spend quality time with your loved ones

Man is a social being and has the need to be with like-minded people. Never be satisfied with less than you deserve. Carefully choose the people you want to spend your time with.

3. Find peace in solitude.

Your greatest friend is hiding in you and patiently waiting for you to give him a hand. Our main goal in life should be to know yourself, discover the incredible secrets of our minds and live in harmony with our true self.

4. Allow yourself to see the beauty in everything.

Do not let your life pass in discontent and a constant blind search for something you do not have. Have patience, be persistent and believe in yourself. Stop for a while and smell the roses. Life is beautiful in all its awful complexity.

Enjoy this weekend! We have one life, and we have to cherish the present. One day we will be sorry we forgot to enjoy the small things in life.

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